EdTech Support Reduces Teacher Stress and Anxiety for Better Outcomes

May 09, 2024 by Mark Tweedy, Data Storyteller at OneScreen

 students using onescreen tl7 smart board as edtech

Technology in the classroom has a huge impact on teacher effectiveness and student performance. That is only true, however, when teachers overall are not stressed and anxious about using that tech.

Reducing EdTech-related Stress

A 2021 analysis of 16 studies over more than a decade revealed a major factor in the success of EdTech is how teachers feel about it. The report concluded that “the lack of training and education of teachers in educational technology” was correlated to frustration, exhaustion, stress and anxiety. 

Schools see significantly better outcomes when teachers and school leaders receive enough help and training in harnessing the power of EdTech. 

Positive EdTech Experiences

A study in the journal Educational Technology Research and Development found that the way teachers feel and respond to EdTech can change quickly based on positive experiences they’ve had.  

Teachers with hands-on, personalized EdTech training had increased confidence in making digital tools part of their existing learning programs. This newfound proficiency translated into improved student engagement, as lessons became better aligned with each student’s individual learning needs.

Wider Implications for School Communications

School leaders, equipped with a deeper understanding of EdTech integration strategies, were able to foster a more productive environment for student growth. This shift not only elevated the quality of instruction but also empowered students to develop essential 21st-century skills, preparing them for the challenges of an increasingly digital world.

The impact of EdTech training extended beyond the traditional classroom setting. Schools reported improved communication and collaboration among teachers and administrative staff on achieving school goals. Enhanced connectivity fostered a sense of community and shared responsibility for student success.

Schools Deserve EdTech Gurus

EdTech help and support doesn’t have to be expensive or time consuming. Screen Skills Gurus from OneScreen are on call for free, unlimited help and training by video call, email or chat window. New apps can connect educators directly to Gurus right from their phones or laptops. 

An important point that educators appreciate is that Gurus are engineers and IT professionals, not just customer service agents who have to call for help. Answers are just a button away - the big, friendly Guru button on everything OneScreen builds. 

Contact a Guru today to reduce teacher stress and start making EdTech a bigger part of positive student outcomes. 

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