Caso de éxito OneScreen & The Inspire School

The INSPIRE campus (The Integrated School Program for Independence, Relationships and Entrepreneurship) is spread out over 165 quiet, wooded acres outside of Brattleboro, VT.
INSPIRE has been giving new hope to children and young adults with autism for more than 14 years. Providing enriching educational experiences for this diverse student body, ranging in age from 7 to 22, has not been easy, to say the least.
OneScreen created for INSPIRE a powerful and customized technological solution that has opened up a much bigger world for these unique and endearing students
The full spectrum of autism disorders present in different ways for each individual. For these students, the confines of a traditional classroom are counterproductive to learning. 504 plans often leave children behind, parents frustrated and schools in an impossible situation. INSPIRE changed all that. The school was founded by parents of children with autism and educators who saw a better vision of how to reach them.
INSPIRE was built as a refuge, a warm and welcoming place for children who saw the world differently. The problem was that technology had not yet caught up with the vision of the school.Students had to share devices, autism-friendly teaching resources were scarce and teachers had only comparatively limited technology.
“Before OneScreen, our teachers didn’t have ready access to educational apps and specialized learning materials,” explained Dr. Ray Stevens- Executive Director of INSPIRE.“ “Now, they have a lot more flexibility in tools for teaching and easily switching between lessons, such as going from math exercises to a video.”
OneScreen’s interactive flat panels up on the walls can display all kinds of learning games with an intuitive, touch-friendly display that keeps students focused and engaged. Specialized autism-sensitive lesson plans are ready in an instant thanks to free resources at ZUNI Learning Tree.
“There’s just an amazing number of things you can do on a OneScreen smart board,” Stevens continued. “OneScreen is so user-friendly. Our teachers and kids immediately went up and started using it. And it’s so much easier for a teacher to work with a student at a smart board than at a tiny computer screen. OneScreen involves the entire class.”
Students on the autism spectrum who previously had limited access to the world are reaching out with guidance from INSPIRE staff and hands-on lessons using OneScreen smart boards. According to INSPIRE’s Ray Boulay, “OneScreen allows students to participate with interactive programs while having fun and learning at the same time.”
Teacher Al Mitton joined in, saying “My students are super excited about using OneScreen.” ”In the big picture, INSPIRE’s new influx of adaptive technology is setting these bright students on a path of greater success for their entire lives. Case Manager Olivia Llewelyn noted, “OneScreen is simple and easy to use and is a great addition to help further our students’ education.” There’s no greater reward than that.
"Before OneScreen, our teachers didn’t have ready access to educational apps and specialized learning materials, now, they have a lot more flexibility in tools for teaching and easily switching between lessons, such as going from math exercises to a video. There’s just an amazing number of things you can do on a OneScreen smart board"