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Lessn starts here!

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Build & explore standards-based,
AI-driven lessons suited for every classroom

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Teacher's favorite
- for good reasons.

  • Get a reliable head start in your lesson prep with tailor-made interactive content
  • Export your lesson as a PDF, PPT or to Google Slides with a single click
  • Immerse your students in every topic with suggested class activities and group assignments

Your secret weapon for impactful, instant lessons.

  • Each lesson follows strict guidelines for quality, in line with core curriculum
  • Spend more time with your students and less on lesson plans with our extensive library of K-12 lessons Free, unlimited help & training Standards-based, teacher approved 10K
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teacher approved
10K+ Lessons
already generated
Easy export to your
favorite platforms

Free, unlimited

help & training

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Generate your own AI-based content in seconds

  • If you can’t find what you need in the library, create it in the AI-powered Lessn Builder
  • Simply input the grade and your topic, and generate the slides in a click
  • Edit the slides in draft mode or after downloading - it’s all up to you
Explore Lessn Builder

Teachers love the Lessn effect

Opening Quote

The presentations are simply fantastic! They make learning so much fun and explain tough subjects very simply. I feel more confident in my studies every day!

- John Borthwick Closing Quote