Case Study OneScreen & Tsleil Waututh Nation

The City of Vancouver, BC, rests on tribal lands owned by the Tsleil Waututh (TW) Nation, a leader among the First Nations communities spread across Canada.
A report by the Canadian government recognized the TW Nation as hosting “the most prosperous First Nation community” in the country
The growing population of the TW Nation, or “People of the Inlet,” reflects this prosperity as it has expanded by more than 200% over the past few years.
The TW Nation owes that success in a large part to a strategic set of real estate investments by leadership that continues to support a sustained economic boom throughout the region.
There is a great deal to manage inside the 740 square miles of TW Nation territory, some of it very remote. They maintain schools, public buildings, conference centers and have stewardship of all proposed water, land, and resource plans in and around Vancouver. In order to coordinate the many dispersed but interdependent groups over that large an area, it takes a serious commitment to advanced collaborative technology.
Members of the TW Nation were using many different tech stacks - Apple, Samsung, Microsoft, etc. Incompatible tech made communication difficult at times. Also, meetings were slowed by outdated tools like whiteboards and easel pads, which made it hard to share information with the dispersed group. TW Nation is ecologically conscious as well, so they were intent on going paperless as much as possible.
For TW Nation CFO David Ko, the biggest problem was not finding the technology they needed, but finding people he could trust to stand behind the technology they sold. He turned to his long-time associates Kimson Dy Ning, founder of Vancouver’s AD Micro Technologies, and Lincoln Vaz, Country Manager Canada for OneScreen.
After sketching out the scope of the problem, the three enthusiastically set to work laying out a plan for smart screens in schools and conference rooms throughout the TW Nation. They had to be sure that teachers could reach even the most remote students while TW Nation officials could launch a meeting from anywhere, right on their phones, and instantly connect with the leadership back in headquarters.
OneScreen offered the best quality audio and video, with limitless apps to solve specific issues, along with free training on demand at a price custom-built for the most pragmatic number-crunchers.
This has made a huge difference for the performance and effectiveness of educators as well as those involved in the business end of TW Nation management. As Ko pointed out, “OneScreen has transformed our office and staff to be more technologically savvy when presenting their reports during business meetings.”
After making sure TW Nation leaders were happy with their smart screens from OneScreen, Dy Ning and Vaz went on to assure that individuals had support wherever they needed it. They found that some schools were concerned about smart screens because earthquakes could shake them right off the wall -- a serious concern in some parts of British Columbia. Throughout the region, the pair made sure OneScreen smart screens were fixed in place with seismic steel cables, to the delight of local teachers and students.
Other First Nations in Canada look up to Tsleil Waututh as a model of governance. With a little help from AD Micro and OneScreen, TW Nation is breaking new ground for technology adoption all across Canada.
"Onescreen has transformed our office and staff to be more technologically savvy when presenting their reports during business meetings"

"Lincoln and I under-promised and overdelivered. Everyone we met at TW Nation was really impressed with that. Now we are expanding our relationship and looking for more ways to help."