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Screen Skills Guru
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help & training. 24/5

Screen Skills Guru

Look for the big green button on all OneScreen products and softwares.
Start a video call, audio call or chat with one of our experts.

How do I use the GURU button?

  1. Click on/ touch the button
  2. Select your preferred form of communication from chat, audio call or video call
  3. For audio calls, the app will dial our GURU team and you can discuss your concerns without visual contact
  4. For video calls, you will be able to see our GURU and if your camera is allowed, the GURU will see you
  5. Once your call/chat with the GURU is completed, the app is closed and there is no recording or history log of calls or chats

Where can I find the GURU button?

  1. You will find the GURU button on the home screen of any OneScreen product
  2. You can download the GURU app for Windows and then the button will float on your laptop screen
  3. You can download the GURU app for Android and find it on your phone or tablet
  4. If you prefer to email or call, you don’t need the button. Just reach out!

Go ahead, ask us anything. We're here.